
Cookie Policy


In accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 (Data protection code) and the provision of the Italian Data Protection Authority regarding the “Identification of simplified procedures for the information notice and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies – 8 May 2014 “, Solido Hotels S.r.L. shall provide the extended information notice relating to cookies installed on the www.eighthotels.it website and its related subdomains (www.paraggi.eighthotels.it and www.portofino.eighthotels.it).


What are cookies?

Cookies are pieces of data created by a server and stored in a text file on the hard disk of a user’s computer, tablet or smartphone, in order to provide information on his or her use of the website and his or her behaviour and preferences.
Cookies may be stored so as to remain on the device permanently or for various durations (“persistent cookies”) or may disappear when the browser is closed, or have a limited duration (“session cookies”).
Cookies may be installed by the website visited (“first-party cookies”) or by other websites (“third-party cookies”).

How do you Eight Hotels use cookies?

– Technical cookies and navigation cookies
Eight Hotels use both session cookies and permanent first-party cookies to guarantee safe and efficient navigation of the Website and to ensure that the user is able to register, log in to his or her personal account and complete purchases.
In accordance with article 122 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, the use of such cookies does not require the user’s consent.

– Analytical cookies
Eight Hotels use Analytical cookies to analyse user behaviour and ways the Website is accessed.
In accordance with article 122 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, the use of this type of cookies requires the user’s consent.
The characteristics of the cookies used on the Website are described in the following table.

How to change cookie settings?

A banner appears when the homepage or any other page of the Website is accessed. By continuing to navigate the website, by moving to other sections of the website or by selecting any element on the Website, the user automatically gives his or her consent to the use of cookies.
Users can choose not to accept the use of cookies stored on their hard drives by disabling them in the dedicated section of their browser. Follow the specific instructions for the browser you are using:
– Internet Explorer (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows7/block-enable-or-allow-cookies)
– Chrome (https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en)
– Firefox (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences)
– Opera (http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/privacy/)
– Safari (http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042)
However, the Website may then cease to function correctly.


Limits to the transmission and dissemination of personal data

Data acquired through cookies are handled

– by the employees and partners of Eight hotels responsible for data processing
– by companies tasked with carrying out technical and organizational operations on our behalf (for example, web service providers). These companies are our direct partners and are responsible for data processing. The list of these companies is kept constantly up to date and can be requested by contacting us at the address at the bottom of the page or by sending an email to the address privacy@solidoholding.com.
Data acquired through the use of cookies may be transferred abroad, but may not in any case be sold, transmitted to or shared with third parties.

Rights of users

IUsers may, at any time, request and have their data cancelled, made anonymous, copied, updated, corrected, added to or blocked if processed in violation of article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.
Users may, at any time, refuse consent to the processing of their personal data for commercial and marketing purposes, and may, for legitimate reasons, refuse consent to the processing of their data for other purposes.
To assert your rights, send written communication to the address at the bottom of the page or an email to the address privacy@solidoholding.com.


Data controller and data processor

The Data Controller is Solido Hotels S.r.L. – Via dei Due Macelli, 66 – 00187 Rome (Italy).